First-author Publications (7 papers)
[7]. Zhang, L., Garc\'ia-Bernete, I., Packham, C., [+ 29 authors],  Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission in the Central Regions of Three Seyferts and the Implication for Underlying Feedback Mechanisms, 2024, ApJL, 975, L2
[6]. Zhang, L., Packham, C., Hicks, K. S. E., [+ 33 authors], The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). IV. Exploring Ionized Gas Outflows in Central Kiloparsec Regions of GATOS Seyferts, 2024, ApJ, 974, 195
[5]. Zhang, L., & Ho, L. C., The Interaction between AGN and Starburst Activity in the Circumnuclear Region of NGC 7469 as Viewed with JWST, 2023, ApJL, 953, L9
[4]. Zhang, L., & Ho, L. C., Estimating Molecular Gas Content in Galaxies from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission, 2023, ApJ, 943, 1
[3]. Zhang, L., & Ho, L. C., The Contribution of Evolved Stars to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Heating and Implications for Estimating Star Formation Rates, 2023, ApJ, 943, 60
[2]. Zhang, L., Ho, L. C., & Li, A., Evidence that Shocks Destroy Small PAH Molecules in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei, 2022, ApJ, 939, 22
[1]. Zhang, L., Ho, L. C., & Xie, Y., A Method to Extract Spatially Resolved Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission from Spitzer Spectra: Application to M51, 2021, AJ, 161, 29
Co-author Publications (8 papers)
[8]. Esparza-Arredondo, D., Ramos Almeida, C., Audibert, A., et al., Molecular gas stratification and disturbed kinematics in the Seyfert galaxy MCG-05-23-16 revealed by JWST and ALMA, 2024, A&A, in press
[7]. Fuller, L., Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Garc\'ia-Bernete, I., et al., The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). (VII). The 20-214 $\mu$m imaging atlas of active galactic nuclei using SOFIA, 2024, ApJS, in press
[6]. Garc\'ia-Bernete, I., Rigopoulou, D., Donnan, F. R., et al., The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). V: Unveiling PAH survival and resilience in the circumnuclear regions of AGN with JWST, 2024, A&A, 691, A162
[5]. Hermosa Mu\~noz, L., Alonso-Herrero, A., Pereira-Santaella, M., et al., A biconical ionised gas outflow and evidence for positive feedback in NGC 7172 uncovered by MIRI/JWST, 2024, A&A, 690, A350
[4]. Garc\'ia-Burillo, S., Hicks, K. S. E., Alonso-Herrero, A., et al., Deciphering the imprint of AGN feedback in Seyfert galaxies: Nuclear-scale molecular gas deficits, 2024, A&A, 689, A347
[3]. Haidar, H., Rosario, D., Alonso-Herrero, A., et al., Dust beyond the torus: Revealing the mid-infrared heart of local Seyfert ESO 428-G14 with JWST/MIRI, 2024, MNRAS, 532, 4645
[2]. Davies, R., Shimizu, T., Pereira-Santaella, M., et al., GATOS: missing molecular gas in the outflow of NGC 5728 revealed by JWST, 2024, A&A, 689, A263
[1]. Leist, M., Packham, C., Rosario, D., et al., Deconvolution of JWST/MIRI Images: Applications to an Active Galactic Nucleus Model and GATOS Observations of NGC 5728, 2024, AJ, 167, 96
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